Aren't friends wonderful? When they truly love you as a friend, they'll do most anything within reason!
Last year at the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer's Conference I met Virginia Smith. We were standing in line (yes - even published authors have to stand in line - right, Ginny?) waiting to check in. It only took a couple of sentences before we realized we'd be great friends.
Both of us harbored a VERY dry and somewhat warped sense of humor, and being women, we talked non-stop.
I've said numerous times that I believe God places people in our pathway who will aid us in completeing His plan for us. It may be as a support system, a networking system, or simply as a guide. Ginny has proven to be one of those people for me.
This past week she graciously combined a family event with a Ladies Conference at our church, and she flew in to Kentucky, from Salt Lake City. Not only that, but she drove the additional 4 hours to come to Tennessee. Now that's a friend.
Ginny presented the "Just As I Am, Ladies Conference" at Belvue Christian Church and she was wonderful. Her first book published and hit the stands in March of 2006, and the remainder of 2006 became a landslide for her. God blessed her for doing His work by allowing her six new books to be released over 2007 and 2008. If that wasn't enough, the day before she arrived in Kingsport, she was blessed yet again with a 7th book to come out next year.
She is an wonderful example of giving her work to God and having Him use her, then bless her.
Ginny's book, Just As I Am is avaliable through a number of bookstores, or can be ordered through her web site at www.virginiasmith,org
I'm sure you'll enjoy Just As I Am, but more so when you're finished reading this little book, you'll have felt the transformation of Mayla, the main character.
God does love us just the way we are....(even I - having a bad hair day and now appearing to be a Junior Plenty in this picture), He loves me for who I am. I for one, am thrilled we have redeeming grace.
Hop over to Virginia's website and check out all her exciting news. Join her news letter and enjoy her ministry.